Launch reservation system for negative film developing services

Thank you for using our negative film developing service. We would like to inform you that we have decided to shift to a reservation system.

Launch day: 1th July 2023
How to book: Please contact the person in charge in reservation by phone or email at least five working days before the development work.

Target services:
35mm/16mm/8mm color negative development, scanning, rush print
35mm/16mm black and white negative development, scanning, rush print

*Bookings can also be made by period (e.g. for long periods of shooting) when you shoot feature film.
*Cancellation charges may apply if a booking is canceled. Please check with the person in charge in reservation for details.
*If this is your first time using this service, please contact us using this contact form.

Please contact our sales representatives for further information about this news. We will continue to strive to improve our services even further.